Letter to All Policies for a Healthy Europe from Commissioner Andriukaitis

Dear Representatives of the "All Policies for a Healthy Europe" initiative,

Thank you for your letter and the annexed manifesto to President Juncker, who has asked me to reply on his behalf.

Throughout my mandate, I have greatly valued the dialogue with the European health community and the significant contribution of local, national and European stakeholders to a healthier Europe. In your letter, you refer to health and wellbeing as a core value of the European Union. Indeed, promoting the well-being of Europeans is one of the key aims of the EU, enshrined in Article 3 of the EU Treaty. Also, Article 168 of the Treaty states that "a high level of human health protection shall be ensured in the definition and implementation of all Community policies and activities" and in that context, the EU has an important role to play in improving public health.

Integrated and coordinated approaches have been an essential aspect of the Commission under the leadership of President Juncker, putting a strong emphasis on cutting across policies and establishing synergies, where needed. Within the Health and Food Safety portfolio, I have worked closely with fellow Commissioners and other EU institutions, to enshrine health in all relevant EU initiatives.

A 'Health  in all policies' approach is already  a key  tool in the European  policies.  We have taken this a step further in our efforts to support Member States with regard to achieving equitable health and accessible, high quality and sustainable public health institutions and  medical  services,  health care and cure systems.

In the Steering Group on Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Management of Non­ Communicable Diseases, the EU Member States and relevant Commission services discuss joint challenges rising from the State of Health knowledge cycle, the European Semester as well as the European Pillar of Social Rights. Common challenges can then be addressed through concrete actions and transfer of evidence-based best practices across countries and regions. This kind of concrete work not only helps the Member States to tackle health problems where needed, but also allows for an improved coordination of using EU funds and programmes. The Steering Group also has a pivotal role in exploring the health policy perspective of other policies and support mechanisms.

The Steering Group's efforts are complemented by online resources. DG SANTE's  'Best  practice portal' presents practices collected  under  Health  Programme's  co-funded  actions.  The  Promotion and Prevention Knowledge Gateway hosted by the Joint Research Centre summarises  the  latest  science on key health promotion and disease prevention issues. In order to facilitate and support dialogue among health stakeholders the Commission has  also  created  the  EU  Health  Policy Platform.

I see parallels between the various mechanisms we  have  put  in place and  the  various  suggestions you share in your letter as regards knowledge sharing, best practice implementation, dialogue, coordination and of course, maximising opportunities to advance health via all policies.

The Commission proposal for the next Multiannual  Financial  Framework  for  2021-2027 encompasses a number of Programmes (e.g. Horizon Europe, European Social Fund Plus, European Regional Development Fund, Digital Europe, Single Market Programme) which can contribute to supporting health.

Finally, in your letter you refer to the Finnish EU Presidency, notably to their focus on the economy of well-being. I agree this is a timely choice that will provide the Member States and the Commission with the opportunity to explore further synergies between health, social and economic policy agendas. Given the record of accomplishment of the work of Finland in the field of health in all policies, I am looking forward to exploring new avenues.


I would like to thank you for your views and support for a strong role of health in the next Commission.


Yours sincerely,

Vytenis Andriukaitis


Original letter in pdf format

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All Policies for a Healthy Europe is an intersectoral initiative that brings together a diverse group of NGOs, think-tanks, associations, companies, and individuals. Our mission is to put citizens’ health & well-being at the heart of European policy-making.

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